Ects and allocation methodologyOur institution enforces the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and DS with the objective to facilitate the planning, delivery and evaluation of study programmes and student mobility by recognizing learning achievements and qualifications and periods of learning. In our Institution ECTS credits express the volume of learning based on the defined learning outcomes and their associated workload , 60 ECTS credits are allocated to the learning outcomes and associated workload of a full-time academic year or its equivalent, which normally comprises a number of educational components to which credits (on the basis of the learning outcomes and workload) are allocated. ECTS credits in our institution are expressed in whole numbers . The average number of credits per semester is 33 and the total amount needed for a student to graduate is 264 which are estimated taking into account the learning outcomes and the workload of each course as described in ects user’s guide. In specific the allocation takes place in relation with the workload which in our case ranges from 1,500 to 1,800 hours for an academic year, which means that one credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of work. All ects obtained can and will be accumulated awarded or even be transferred. ECTS documentation: The use of ECTS credits is facilitated and quality enhanced by the supporting documents (Course Catalogue, Learning Agreement, Transcript of Records, and other necessary documents ). ECTS also contributes to transparency in other documents such as the Diploma Supplement In Detail: Learning outcomes are statements of what the individual knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process. The achievement of learning outcomes is assessed through procedures based on clear and transparent criteria were teaching staff, academic suprvisor and Erasmus and ects Institutional Coordinator interact in order to point the correct learning outcomes . Learning outcomes are attributed to individual educational components and to programmes at a whole. Workload is an estimation of the time the individual typically needs to complete all learning activities such as lectures, seminars, projects, practical work, work placements and individual study required to achieve the defined learning outcomes in formal learning environments. The correspondence of the full-time workload of an academic year to 60 credits is often formalised by national legal provisions. In most cases, workload ranges from 1,500 to 1,800 hours for an academic year, which means that one credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of work. It should be recognised that this represents the typical workload and that for individual students the actual time to achieve the learning outcomes will vary. Allocation Allocation of credits in ECTS is the process of assigning a number of credits to qualifications, degree programmes or single educational components. Credits are allocated to entire qualifications or programmes according to national legislation or practice, where appropriate, and with reference to national and/or European qualifications frameworks. They are allocated to educational components, such as course units, dissertations, work-based learning and work placements, taking as a basis the allocation of 60 credits per full-time academic year, according to the estimated workload required to achieve the defined learning outcomes for each component. Awarding credits Our institution formally grants students the credits that are assigned to the qualification and/or its components if they achieve the defined learning outcomes. Credits are awarded to individual students after they have completed the required learning and achieve the defined learning outcomes, as evidenced by appropriate assessment activities such as passing the written exams. Accumulation of credits : in order to accumulate the credits in ECTS we process the credits awarded for achieving the learning outcomes of educational components in formal contexts in order to:
Transfer of credits For the time being we only run one first cycle academic program but should any new programs take place Credits awarded to students in one program may be transferred and be accumulated in another program offered by the same or another institution. We intend to may make agreements with Institutions, faculties, departments which guarantee automatic recognition and transfer of credits. ECTS documentation ECTS documentation: The use of ECTS credits is facilitated and quality enhanced by the supporting documents (Course Catalogue, Learning Agreement, Transcript of Records, and Work Placement Certificate). ECTS also contributes to transparency in other documents such as the Diploma Supplement. see diploma supplement here |