European research project « DARIUS »
Workshop training seminar presentation on "Unmanned vehicles in research & rescue, prevention and extinguishing fires.
On Thursday & Friday 16-17 October 2014, in the auditorium of the Fire Academy thw workshop entitled: Unmanned vehicles in research & rescue, prevention and extinguishing fires took place . European research project »« DARIUS ».
Thursday, October 16, 2014
- Introduction : Search and rescue in forest fires ( Brigadier Michael & Chalaris . Mr . Miltiades Statheropoulos professor NTUA ) The DARIUS research and rescue system (StephenBroatch, BAESystems).
- Technology unmanned aerial vehicle for business use ( Pantelis Michael - KEMEA ) .
- Sensors unmanned vehicles ( Miltiades Statheropoulos Katerina Mikedi Dr . Chemical Engineer , Dr. George Pallis . Chemical Engineer)
- Robotic systems (CHAMELEON & ROBOVOLC) in DARIUS program (B. Boukari ECA, S. Broach BAESystems
Friday, October 17, 2014
- Unmanned aerial vehicles in DARIUS system (Philippe Chrobocinski Airbus DS).
- Ad-HocDiktya telecommunications to support the management of large-scale events (Ch. Stergiopoulos F-IN).
- Wireless telecommunications network subsystem solution DARIUS (Ch. Stergiopoulos F-IN).
- Presentation practice ground (LaCiotatBollene-Sorgues) to demonstrate the technology companies DARIUS
- Search and Rescue Exercise in forest fires within the European Research DARIUS Program (Presentation scenario E. Makris TE LINT).
- Conclusions-Review: StephenBroatch, Miltiadis Statheropoulos, Michael Chalaris).
Album: Darius October 2014